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The Treasure Trove...
'Marked' by R.M. Krogman

Posted: May 28, 2024

Please meet author R. M. Krogman, who wrote the amazing dark fantasy novella, 'Marked', one of the best books I've read so far in 2024.

R.M. KrogmanTell us about 'Marked'.

R.M.: 'Marked' is a dark fantasy novella meant to introduce readers to the world of Midgate and to my writing style. As a prequel to the epic trilogy, it features a side character that I hope you’ll fall in love with. The story is thematically dark, the character arc intense, and the point-of-view deeply personal. My goal: to make you feel something. One reader told me she cried in the shower after reading it, and another that it was so emotional she didn’t know how to feel. 'Marked' is about love and being loved, through the eyes of a young boy naïve to the cruelties of the world. I’d say that kind of serious theme is common to all of my books, and the prose style and complexity is consistent although my full-length novels have more adult content with adult characters.

How long did it take you to write 'Marked'?

R.M.: Marked took me about one month to draft, two weeks to edit, and another two weeks to revise after beta reader feedback. Those shorter novellas, Marked and Myrmaiden, take about that much time, whereas a full-length novel takes a full year to draft and months to edit.

Question from a Red Dragon Insider Reader:
What is your writing routine like?

R.M.: My best productivity relies on a stubbornly held routine: going to bed on time, getting up at 5 am, making six shots of espresso with coconut oil powder, and writing until I have to go to the day job. In the mornings, the world is quiet. No calls or texts, no emails, no work obligations or demands from others. Just me and my coffee and my laptop, enjoying the silence and the sunrise. I typically write at least 2 hours each morning, if possible, and produce 500-600 words per day. I am not productive when my routine is altered, such as an interruption or a late night. If I’m really lucky, I can take a morning off and keep writing several extra hours. Those are the best days!

Question from a Red Dragon Insider Reader:
What do you find the most challenging when writing a story?

R.M.: I think the most challenging aspect is establishing the details of the plot structure. Big ideas are fairly easy—you generally know where you want to end up—but when you have multiple points of view and multiple character arcs, conveyed through parallel plot lines in different locations on a massive world map, tracking everything can become fairly complicated. Every point-of-view chapter should be intentional, every character growing and learning over the course of the book. The pacing should be intentional as well, keeping the story going for each plot line in a manner that keeps the reader’s attention while growing the world. Because there is so much, I typically spend a month plotting out individual character arcs for a full-length novel, before starting to draft.

Tell us about your next book.

R.M.: My next book, 'Desert Rose', is a romantic tragedy/fantasy romance inspired by Romeo and Juliet, but with a gorgeous desert fantasy setting and young adult characters you can cheer for. As with all of my writing, this book has darker themes and tragic circumstances, characters you love to love and characters you love to hate, and a grittiness that leans toward grimdark. However, unlike my other books, 'Desert Rose' revolves around the love story, a sweet and swoony romance between two people who were never meant to be.

Marked by R.M. KrogmanAbout 'Marked'

Davon and his family live a simple life in the beautiful valleys of the Sikrat Mountains, as long as they don’t draw the attention of roaming ghastwolves or the keen Earth Dragons on the ridges above. Davy’s purpose is clear: to protect the flock and to help his mother and father.

But when Davy’s life is ripped away in one violent night, he learns that he is cursed. Left to the vicious wolves and dragons of the Sikrat, Davy must find a new way to survive. Evil hounds him and his flock as he works tirelessly to somehow earn his place in a superstitious and demanding society.

Was his curse the reason for so much lost? Was he an insidious curse infecting everyone around him?

With nothing left, Davy must face the bitter cold of abandonment and reclaim his life, before those who know his secret turn on him.

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About R. M. Krogman

R.M. Krogman Rebecca M. Krogman is an epic and dark fantasy author from Iowa, U.S.A.

Her debut novel 'Liberation' is the first volume of a larger story set in Midgate, a medieval-inspired world of magic, mermaids, and wyverns. She has been developing the 'Keepers of Midgate' epic since she was in high school. The main storyline has changed little since then, only gaining more clarity and detail as the characters take on a life of their own. The world has grown in its depth of history, culture, and geography, spawning numerous side stories, prequels, and a sequel.

She loves nature, art, and food, which all funnel into her world-building. Her story's settings span two continents and the sea between, encompassing a diversity of peoples, cultures, and creatures. She is working on a collection of recipes from Midgate, and she loves drawing scenes and characters from the books (although those sketches may never see the light of day). She will never apologize for describing a tree, as she finds trees to be fascinating and far more alive than they get credit for.

When she’s not writing about Midgate, she’s penning fairy tale retellings. She enjoys mixing familiar pieces from many tales together and may one day reveal to you her 'Tinderbox Princess' series.

Connect with R. M. Krogman

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Keywords:  Authors , Dark Fantasy , Fantasy , The Treasure Trove


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  6. The Treasure Trove... Author Paul Jameson (October 22, 2023)
  7. The Treasure Trove... Editor Kira Rubenthaler (November 16, 2023)
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  9. The Treasure Trove... Alpha Reader Gaetan Clement (November 29, 2023)
  10. The Treasure Trove... Artist Sarah Obtinalla (December 8, 2023)
  11. The Treasure Trove... Author Hannah D. State (February 23, 2024)
  12. The Treasure Trove... 'Marked' by R.M. Krogman (May 28, 2024)
  13. The Treasure Trove... 'TeleExorcist' by Brittany Johnson (January 10, 2025)

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