Nine writers from both sides of the Atlantic, including best-selling and award-winning authors, have created this miscellany of stories.
These tales of family, mystery, intrigue, adventure, and suspense will take you across continents, through time and space in this world and others. With a linking theme of autumn, discover new landscapes, encounter new and intriguing characters, uncover secrets and lies, and witness the resolution of old enmities.
Take the first step on this roller-coaster of an emotional journey, and you won't be disappointed.
(The short story "Red Stars" by S.C. Eston is featured in this anthology.)
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"...these well-crafted works of short fiction will whet your appetite for more."
James M. Fisher (The Miramichi Reader)
"Original, entertaining and a darned good read, Autumn Paths, An Anthology, is a great collection of stories well told by nine very memorable authors.”
Linda Hersey, author
"These snappy, well-written tales are sure to delight no matter the season."
MJ LaBeff, author
Publication Date: September 3, 2021
Progress: 100%
Type: Anthology
Posted by Allan (March 28, 2022)
This turned out to be a enlightening and successful project. Glad Steve was part of it.
Posted by S. C. Eston (March 28, 2022)
And I'm glad you thought about me Allan. Thanks so much. You were the best of conductors :)
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Posted by Gaetan Clement (January 13, 2022)
What's your favorite story of the bunch (other than yours)?
Posted by S. C. Eston (January 29, 2022)
Hey Gaetan,
good question. I enjoyed them all, but if I had to select one, I'd say "The Bookseller’s Secret Octavo" by Angela Wren. I found the setting charming and the story intriguing. I think that anyone with a love for books will enjoy this one.
- Steve